Bringing Passion to Play

In January 2010, I started taking improvisation classes. This was something that I had thought about doing for sometime, having falling in love, many years prior, with the show ‘Whose line is it anyway?’

Deep down, I had also felt that I’d enjoy throwing myself into ambiguous situations, not knowing where things might end up. Okay, intellectually I knew I’d enjoy it, and yet emotionally I was thinking, ‘I must be crazy embarking on this!’


Bringing Passion to Work

I was always envious of my friends and classmates who had a clear idea of what they wanted to do or who they wanted to be when they ‘grew up’.

I always dreaded being asked ‘so what do you want to do when you grow up?’ My answer would always vary depending on who was asking the question – my unimaginative responses varied from ‘News Reader, Astronaut, Inventor, Designer, Scientist and Lawyer’. The idea of being a lawyer stuck and I found myself at University studying Law and a year later, I was at Law School (more on that journey here).

That was all a long time ago and my ‘almost career’ in law is a distant memory. My career journey has taken different paths over the years; the consistent theme being working with people – in the human resources arena, with roles ranging from Specialist, Consultant Facilitator and Coach. More

Passion – the theme for April

I feel I have been rushing around over the past month or two, and I find myself wondering how come April is already here and that Spring is in full season.

The rushing around has meant that I have not had a chance to share any tales around the fire recently – and I just want to say thanks, to those people who got in touch, for the nudges – and to those who have been checking out the tales in the archive.

In February/March, the theme was ‘Passion, Love & Integrity’, I was hoping to share some tales on the theme of ‘Passion’, but that did not happen. So, for April I am proposing that as the theme.

Passion, described as ‘the repeated experience of joy in doing something’. It is present when we observe that the same activity consistently brings us joy.

So, what story within you about where you have (or not) experienced passion is crying to be shared? All stories are welcome. To share it, send your email to

The theme for February and March is ‘Passion, Love & Integrity’

For February and March, we have three separate themes. The inspiration for the themes is taken from ‘The Velvet Rage’ – Overcoming the pain of growing up gay in a straight man’s world’ by Alan Downs. In one of the final chapters, ‘The Road to Contentment’, Alan says ‘contentment in life rests firmly in the pursuit of Passion, Love and Integrity’. More

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Love Me As I Am – The Book